National Symposium on "ISRO"
One – day National Symposium on “ISRO – Improving Quality of Life and Science Education in India” held at Srijani Auditorium, Durgapur on February 22, 2014.
February 22, 2014
“ISRO’s Mission to Mars: A Triumph for India’s Space Industry and Science Education”
We feel proud that DOS – ISRO has achieved a tremendous success in space research keeping a pace with the advanced countries in the world. The recent historical Indian mission to Mars is a major technological challenge like the Chandrayaan – I after having successfully finding water on Moon. The Mars mission excited the whole nation as well as the entire globe. This is of course a national pride – that India can do it. India is now able to take inter-planetary travel with a great technological achievement. Mangalyaan on-board instruments, entire design and building of the satellite all were done in India and if the search for methane, water and origin of life are confirmed, it would be a great achievement of Mars mission throughout the world. It is of course a matter of great joy that India’s first probe is to create a vibrant Indian Space Industry and generating a large number of skilled jobs. Let us we all wish the Mangalyaan all the very best.
To celebrate this great achievement by ISRO, Bangalore we planned to organize One – day National Symposium on “ISRO – Improving Quality of Life and Science Education in India” held at Srijani Auditorium, Durgapur on February 22, 2014. This was first of its kind in this region. Academic levels of the participants were professors, scientists, engineers, teachers, students, research scholars and so on from different academic institutes, R & D organizations and industrial houses. Above 200 participants from different schools, colleges, universities, IIT, engineering collages, NGO’s etc including scientists & engineers from R&D centers’ participated. Reputed space scientists and engineers from ISRO laboratories came to deliver lectures.
This symposium will spread scientific awareness and increase public appreciations of the contribution of DOS – ISRO in space research, encourage interest in Indian Space Programme among the younger generation, generate enthusiasm for the creative future of Indian Space S&T . Space Science – is a creative science essential for sustainability and improvements the way of our life. To maximize the public impact of this event and to expand the general sphere of influence of space science and to make it worthy celebration, we will bring together eminent space physicists, scientists, professors & engineers working in these challenging and thrust areas of space S&T. This has provided the participants an opportunity to become well informed on the present state–of-the-art of ISRO & space science and widen horizon of knowledge in quest of technological excellence in Indian Space Research Programme. This is an effort to bridge the gap between academic institutes, Government Departments, R & D organizations and industrial houses.
We supplied various teaching aids materials like posters, books, CD, slides, films etc to the participant schools, colleges and universities for their classroom presentation to motivate the younger generation to take space research as challenge and empower the entire nation.
These experiments created a lot of interest in chemistry and above 20, 000 teachers & students directly benefited out of this project. They enjoyed the chemical magic show and raised many interesting questions about the chemical reactions which they have had never experienced. We very carefully explained all the chemical reactions using different chemicals and apparatus, black board, LCD & OHP projection facilities etc. We supplied various teaching aids materials like posters, books etc to the schools for their classroom presentation.