This is a platform for the young children to exchange views, share knowledge, expertise and experiences in the latest developments across the broad and diverse fields of Earth Day 2018 and they will be benefited in many different ways as illustrated below:
1)Painting has many benefits, and it is both constructive and enjoyable. It is fun and boosts their confidence when their artwork is appreciated. Painting also encourages kids to interact and communicate with the other which help to develop their social skills.
2)Participating in painting competitions enhances learning and improves performance and keep children’s mind & brain active and helps them learn to take criticism positively, thus making them capable of dealing with challenges in real life.
3)We know that the right side of the brain is used for emotional and creative responses, while the left side of the brain focuses on analytical processes and logic. Painting stimulates both sides of the brain and thus makes kids reach their full potential. It boosts creativity and makes them more imaginative to various situations in life.
4)Students nowadays spend a lot of time watching TV etc. While painting can direct their energy into something constructive and act as a therapy, helping kids relax and de-stress. The feeling of accomplishment can help convert their negative emotions to positive ones. Paintings contest a step towards child’s holistic development and realize their true potential and encourage them to embrace all challenges in life positively.
5)The present drawing competition is unique in nature as there are only a few such opportunities arise in the average student life which would provide such exposure and realistic outlook towards the real life in such a short span of time as competitions provide.
6)Achievements through competitions can leave great imprints on student mind. This drawing competition will provide proof of one’s outstanding skills and distinguish him from his classmates. This would inspire them for higher studies on earth sciences or competing in the job market. Hence, they can offer enduring recompenses for students.
7)This competition offers the participants a chance to meet new people and make friends from other disciplines and geographic locations. They can help each other to learn more about the diverse fields they belong to and countries they live
8)This competitions offer generous financial benefits to the winners with a certificate to all the participants. A good amount of money can provide them a kick start for their future business plans or other constructive ideas